About Margaret
Dempsey Colson


Margaret Dempsey Colson is an experienced, well-known, influential and respected Christian communications strategist and leader. She has positioned herself through her education, experience and connections to respond to communications opportunities and challenges with wisdom, sensitivity and professionalism. Margaret has her finger on the pulse of communications trends, providing professional development and networking opportunities for Christian leaders to address these trends.

Margaret is married to Keith Colson. They make their home in the greater Atlanta area, except when they are spending time on their farm in middle Georgia.

Margaret and Keith love to travel. Some of their recent travel adventures, before 2020, were to explore Denali National Park in Alaska and Glacier National Park in Montana, where they marveled at the stunning display of God’s creation. She and Keith also were privileged to visit the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in 2019, an emotionally and spiritually moving experience. In all of her journeys, Margaret, always the writer, packs a travel journal to reflect on and learn from her experiences.

Margaret enjoys running … and walking. She has completed one full marathon and several half marathons, including one international half marathon. When she is running, Margaret often takes time to pray, and she also discovers some of her most creative solutions to perplexing challenges when she allows her mind to “run free” from distractions. If she’s not running, Margaret is walking her dog, Sadie … a lot! Sadie never met a mud puddle she doesn’t love, so each walk can be a bit of an adventure and a bit of a mess!

Margaret loves words! She is a word person, a wordsmith who understands that words have immense, often unrealized, power. She agrees with Mark Twain, who is credited with saying, “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” In her writing and speaking, Margaret carefully strives to select her words strategically and intentionally. 

Margaret is grateful to all who have invested in her life, providing Christian encouragement and challenge. Her life verse is, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2). 

Education and Experience

Margaret has a bachelor of arts degree in journalism from the University of Georgia; a master of divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; and a doctor of ministry degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Margaret currently serves in a strategic position of influence as executive director of Baptist Communicators Association and executive secretary of Association of State Baptist Publications. Through leading these two national organizations, the author walks alongside incredibly creative and gifted Christian communicators.

She also serves as special assignments editor for The Alabama Baptist, a position that allows her to continue to write articles that inspire and influence individuals in their Christian lives. Throughout her career, she has written thousands of articles specifically for Christian publications. Additionally, Margaret has written Bible study teaching plans and learning activities for adults.

She has also written two books for publication: Attempting Something So Great for God: A History of God’s Hand at Work through Perimeter Church, Duluth, Georgia (2002) and Royal Ambassadors: Celebrating the First 100 Years 1908-2008 (2009).

She completed her doctor of ministry degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in December 2020. This degree completion culminated in the writing of At the Crossroads: A Crisis Communications Guide for Christian Leaders. The book was written at a providential time when every church and Christian organization in North America was experiencing crisis. 

Additionally, Margaret leads in-person communications workshops and training sessions. She also has recorded podcasts and webinars designed to equip Christian communicators.

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